Walking For Weightloss
Discover How To Turn Your Walks Into Fat Burning, Health Giving Power Walks?
Discover these Simply Walk rules will significantly optimize your walks and significantly increase weight loss. These techniques makes walking faster, easier, more enjoyable and strips of up to 300% more body fat than those who walk without these techniques.
Tired of To Much Body Fat?
For over a year I walked religiously, enjoying the fresh air and the feeling that I was doing something good for my body. Then I realized that all of this walking had not budged the needle on my scales and that I was still in the same shape as when I started.
I would have given it up except that I really enjoyed my walks. Then I made a discovery that changed every thing and soon I was shedding body fat, fighting heart disease, diabetes, and fortifying my body

against Alzheimer’s disease. I couldn’t believe what was happening to my body. I had stumbled onto a technique that easily optimized my walks for maximum success.
Powering Your Walks
The first discovery was a study looked at how to maximize the health benefits of walkiing for lung patients. The study examined the way people walked and how that impacted their weight and health.
Another surprising find was that benefits of walking this way were greatly increased if you made sure at least two of your 5 walks were longer than the other ones.
The findings were amazing. People who walked at a steady pace—in other words they did not just go walk while the talked on the phone or talked with a walking partner—increased their weight loss, and reduced body fat by 200% over those that didn’t make sure they walked at a steady pace. The study also revealed that you should walk at least 5 times a week.
These walks differ from the other in length and/or intensity. It appears that our bodies tend to adapt to routine and this causes a slow down in weight loss. By varying our walking routines, it stops our body’s from doing this.

Let food be thy medicine ~Hippocrates
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention nutrition. You can walk from hear to eternity and never loss an ounce if you are also stuffing down coffee and doughnuts for breakfast, burgers and fries for lunch and Mac and Cheese for dinner.
I sat at a restaurant where they offered a large variety of burgers. Everything from fat dripping red beef burgers to skinny agile turkey burgers. I couldn’t help but notice a large portly man struggle to make it top the condiment bar with his red meat prize on a pasty white flour bun. He ladled large helpings of melted cheese sauce over his meat. Next, he pumped vigorously at the mayonnaise dispenser until his fires disappeared beneath the avalanche of the white condiment.
He then hobbled painfully back toward his table where he had parked his walker. This was a picture of a man eating himself to death. No, I don’t judge him because If I could I would build a monument to the guy who invented Mayonnaise and I could easily go where he is if I let myself. The point is, power walking your way to health also means power eating your way to health.
So, power walking for weight loss is a very efficient way to lose weight. Not only does it burn calories, it also is a natural way to fight disease and protect our bones and joints. Plus, it is really relaxing and fun.